Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I visited the lovely Dark Horse offices in Milwaukie Oregon last week, where I got to see the almost finished artwork for our EVIL DEAD adaptation/expansion. I know I've posted this before, but artist John Bolton is absolutely pulling out all the stops on this baby. Every page is a full color painting, and John's renderings of the demonic goings-ons are absolutely horrific.

Remember, this isn't just a straight adaptation, but an authorized "expansion" of the first movie, with new scenes. For instance: for those familiar with the film, there's a sequense where the Scotty character runs from the shack, only to return battered and broken. Well, for the first time you're going to see exactly what happened to poor Scotty in the woods. And it isn't pretty!

Finally, for those comic fans who are concerned about scheduling, 3 1/2 issues of the 4 issue series are in-house, done, finished, complete! So when this series is finally solicited, you're going to get four slabs of on-time, monthly hell-on-Earthness. Beautiful art, Bruce Campbell, Evil Dead and timeliness! Is this a great world or what?


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this to come out! I wish there were some preview pages on the Dark Horse website! Are there any plans for an Evil Dead 2 adaptation for next year?

Anonymous said...


I have been a fan of your work for ages and love what you have slated to come out this year.

PLEASE! We need John Bolton to do an Evil Dead 2 adaptation! His work on Army of Darkness for Dark Horse over 10 years ago was beautiful and I have all 3 issues PLUS the Hardcover & Softcover collections.


Anonymous said...

When are the comics coming out and where will they be available?