Friday, March 28, 2008

I Wuz Robbed!!!

One of the more amusing pieces of promotional art in my collection is the "for your consideration" trade ad that Universal took out for TIMECOP the movie. Yes, TIMECOP was actually (and briefly) pushed for the Oscars. I have to assume this was due to a clause in someone's contract (JC*ahem*VD perhaps?). Anyhow, I got up early that year to watch the nominations live, only to be stricken when I didn't make the cut. Those craven BASTARDS. I mean, just look at the crap that was actually nominated!

* Forrest Gump (1994)
* Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
* Pulp Fiction (1994)
* Quiz Show (1994)
* Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)

I tried to file a complaint with Price-Waterhouse, but clearly those people have no interest in justice. Anyhow, someone is actually trying to sell one of these trade ads, probably sliced out of a copy of DAILY VARIETY, on eBay. Bid your hearts out!

Reminds me of the "director's list" I was shown when the movie was first being pushed hard for production. These are essentially "wish lists" cobbled together by someone in the producer's office, evidently with very little regard for reality. I remember the first name on the list was Stanley Kubrick, followed by Akira Kurosawa. You know what they say, you gotta aim high! We were all heartbroken when they passed, and when Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese and David Lynch sent their regrets, boy was I blue! Still, the idea of a David Lynch TIMECOP is pretty wild.

And oddly enough, the other movie I worked on that year WAS nominated for an Oscar. THE MASK was nominated for Best Special Effects. Didn't win that either.