Friday, September 29, 2006


I'm writing this from sunny Vancouver B.C., where I'm spending a few days getting my next episode of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (season three, ep 14 if you're counting) into shape for shooting next week. As long as I've been doing this, I never cease to be amazed by the creativity and ingenuity of all the people involved in this endeavor. Say something as insane as "we may need an iron lung for this scene" and three minutes later there are pictures and prices on all the rental iron lungs available in Vancouver, along with suggestions on how to alter it so it fits the BG universe. (Do we actually need an iron lung for a scene? Wait and see...) The nuts and bolts of making all this come together is really something to see, a miracle of planning, logistics and the sweat and creativity of hundreds of incredibly talented people...

You know, I have a really cool job...

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