This blog is ranked #62 in popularity at a site called "Geek Blips." I think that's good!
King Tut probably died of malaria.
From CBS News: "South Carolina Rep. Mike Pitts has introduced legislation that would mandate that gold and silver coins replace federal currency as legal tender in his state." I believe Rep. Pitts (do I really need to put the "R" after his name) is trying to make a point about the deficit.
A lot of people don't like the Comic's Journal new website.
Dick Armey of Freedom Works is disputing claims that he's endorsed John McCain for re-election to the Senate.
Erector Set - 3D Movie is in development.
Rick Santorum is running for President.
Amanda the Aspiring Writer ( always has some interesting advice for folks hoping to break into film writing.
Tiger Woods announced his intention to make a public statement on Friday. I guess you're really a big celebrity when your intention to make a statement is news.