Saturday, December 21, 2019

Original Art Friday! 12/20/19 Al Feldstein!

What a week! Christmas MUST be coming! There's a new Star Wars movie, two new Springsteen live shows circa 1978 (visit, a new collection of Smithereens demos, some President got impeached, and it's ORIGINAL ART FRIDAY!

Yes, once again, that made-up day of the week when I share a piece of (usually comic book) art pulled from the MV archives.

And now the dilemma! What to share? A check scan shows I have no Christmas-related pages. Nor do I have any Star Wars or Springsteen related artwork. There must be SOMETHING fit for the season...

Feldstein. Why you can just feel the love radiating off the page. Especially in panel 4. Of course, the guy IS a "detective" investigating a series of muggings, and he suspected poor Nina was somehow involved, so that might explain the lack of sparks. I have this story somewhere in reprint form but I can't find it and so I can't tell you if Dan and Nina eventually fall in love. However, I'd put money on it!

So. Al Feldstein. A bit of an acquired taste, but I acquired it, especially after reading his eye-popping work on "Sunny" and "Junior" comics, both Archie-inspired titles from the Fox publishing company. IDW published a fancy hardcover collection of Feldstein's stories from those books and a quick look will explain what enticed readers back in the 1950's and the again in 2014. Basically, Feldstein dedicated an enormous amount of ink to, well, delineating the female form. Archie it ain't...

Feldstein later chucked his illustrative pen to become an editor, most famously running Mad Magazine for decades. And fans of stiff figures wearing clothing two sizes too small were heartbroken everywhere! But we'll always have Modern Love...

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