Sunday, September 14, 2008

More On Steve Ditko...

For those comic devotees who share my fascination with the work, life and times of Steve Ditko (co-creator of Spider-Man), multi-talented artist/writer/publisher Steve Bissette offers some of his insights into the Ditko dynamic here...

Have to admit, I fall somewhere in the middle when thinking about Ditko's worldview. Bissette sees his withdrawal from the mainstream comics scene as the only sane response following years of being abused by a corrupt industry. I guess I've had better luck in the funny-book world, working with publishers like Mike Richardson at Dark Horse, but then I also diversified into film and television (and MADNESS) very early in my so-called career... so except for the first two or three years of my professional life, I've never relied solely on comics income to survive. It does seem like a pretty tough and very narrow field at the moment...