Sunday, May 24, 2009

Criminal Neglect...

I was getting pretty good at this blogging thing, but the real world went and smacked me with a ton of work and suddenly blogging is down with "re-grouting the bathroom fixtures" on my daily to-do list. How does a week go by without a single entry? One answer: "easy." When I finally come up for air, I may need a couple sessions with IN TREATMENT'S "Dr. Paul" to straighten myself out.

Speaking of which, I have indeed recently discovered the HBO series IN TREATMENT and find it quite compelling. There's something dreamy and soothing about a show that is essentially all talk. I find myself drifting off at night to emotional tumult about the past, father issues, struggles with cancer and aging... but the tone of the show is so congenial, it's like listening to muzak versions of the Dead Kennedys. This is not a put down, by the way... I think the writing and acting is all top notch. I just find it perversely relaxing...

Oh well. Once I finish the "major project" currently on my plate, hopefully I can get back into the groove of things...